DGR Draft walkthrough with Zen

by DavidDeering
November 1, 2019

A DGR draft walkthrough with Zen Takahashi

Zen Takahashi

GP Sydney 2013 TOP 4

GP Auckland 2012 11th

Won a PTQ when he was 13.

More Posts (3)

Hey Everyone!

I was planning to write an article about Legacy today due to my recent success in local tournaments, but instead decided to write about DGM/GTC/RTR draft one last time before M14 comes rolling in. Although this may seem late, there is still a few weeks before M14 is released and it will still be drafted on MODO for the next few months as coreset limited formats are usually boring. I have enjoyed this limited format a lot and managed a fair share of success in it as well as I Top 4d GP Sydney earlier in the year. Although I did terrible at the Pro Tour in the limited portion, I felt like my preparation was solid and that I had a fairly good idea on the format thanks to testing and discussions with some of the best limited players in New Zealand (a huge thanks to Jason, Cameron, Joe, Chris, Geoff, Rueben, Henry, William, Daniel, Xin and any others I may have missed who helped!). I hope you enjoy this walkthrough as I take one last crack at the format before it rotates out

Pack 1 Pick 1:

Renegade Krasis
Gruul War Chant
Gleam of Battle
Woodlot Crawler
Gruul Cluestone
Rakdos Cluestone
Runner’s Bane
Murmuring Phantasm
Riot Piker
Hired Torturer
Hidden Strings
Beetleform Mage
Bane Alley Blackguard
Dimir Guildgate



My Pick: Gruul War Chant
The two best cards in the pack are definitely Gruul War Chant and Renegade Krasis, with the former being much better than the latter in my opinion. Gruul War Chant is still extremely underrated as it’s one of the top ten cards in the format. In limited, early drop creatures usually have very weak stats while large creatures are a lot more expensive then in Constructed. This means that an early Gruul War Chant forces your opponent to make terrible blocks in which they have to trade two of their early creatures just to trade with one of yours, especially thanks to the +1+0 which is huge due to how weak the creature stats are in limited. Even if they have large creatures, they’re often too slow as they’re overcosted or can’t block effectively as they can only deal with one of your guys per combat. Gruul is also a very strong guild in the Gatecrash pack as Bloodrush isn’t a synergetic mechanic like Evolve or Cipher which needs the right cards for it to work and it works well with both Rakdos and Selesnya in the Return to Ravnica pack. While Renegade Krasis is a great card, the double green in its manacost makes it hard to splash and having to take a card that is so deep in one colour P1P1 is definitely something I look to avoid in a format like this where you can easily end up with a 3-4c deck.

Pack 1 Pick 2:

Deadbridge Chant
Trostani’s Summoner
Kraul Warrior
Uncovered Clues
Lyev Decree
Runner’s Bane
Ubul Sar Gatekeepers
Wind Drake
Rakdos Cluestone
Smelt-Ward Gatekeepers
Opal Lake Gatekeepers
Orzhov Cluestone
Azorius Guildgate



My Pick: Trostani’s Summoner
The top three cards in this pack are Deadbridge Chant, Putrefy and Trostani’s Summoner. I think Trostani’s Summoner is the best of the three and also works very well with the Gruul War Chant that we took in the first pack. I also think that Gruul-Selesnya works better then Gruul-Rakdos as with the latter, you’re often forced to try be an aggressive deck with an early curve but this can be awkward with Guildgates or poor mana fixing as you may be unable to cast spells which can often be backbreaking when you’re trying to curve out your opponent.

Pack 1 Pick 3:

Zhur-Taa Ancient
Woodlot Crawler
Hidden Strings
Pilfered Plans
Weapon Surge
Battering Krasis
Smelt-Ward Gatekeepers
Dimir Cluestone
Saruli Gatekeepers
Maze Sentinel
Lyev Decree
Morgue Burst
Izzet Guildgate



My Pick: Zhur-Taa Ancient
Zhur-Taa Ancient is a great card that I’m happy to pick. I wasn’t sure how good this card was at first, but found it to be great. I was worried that my opponent would get to untap and do something broken but found that most decks in the format don’t have many late drops and even if they do, they’re often weaker then the Zhur-Taa Ancient. It also works well with the Trostani’s Summoner as it allows me to ramp into it. Other than that, the pack doesn’t really have anything good in our colors.

Pack 1 Pick 4:

Pyrewild Shaman
Riot Piker
Murmuring Phantasm
Sunspire Gatekeepers
Kraul Warrior
Izzet Cluestone
Viashino Firstblade
Battering Krasis
Fatal Fumes
Dimir Cluestone
Gruul Guildgate



My Pick: Pyrewild Shaman
Another great pick for us! Pyrewild Shaman is obviously very good and the best card in this pack by a mile. It’s worth pointing out that the pack also has a Kraul Warrior and Riot Piker and hopefully one of them wheels. Two drops are very important in this format as you can often get in a large amount of damage in while your opponent spends their early turns playing Guildgates and Cluestones to try set up their mana. While the Warrior is much better than the Piker, the Piker is still a fine card and works well with Pyrewild Shaman and Gruul War Chant

Pack 1 Pick 5:

Sinister Possession
Maze Behemoth
Smelt-Ward Gatekeepers
Crypt Incursion
Rubblebelt Maaka
Azorius Cluestone
Rakdos Cluestone
Riot Piker
Izzet Cluestone
Riot Control
Simic Guildgate



My Pick: Rubblebelt Maaka
Another solid pick in an otherwise empty pack for us. Smelt-Ward Gatekeepers or Riot Piker should wheel here.

Pack 1 Pick 6:

Runner’s Bane
Murmuring Phantasm
Lyev Decree
Maze Sentinel
Nivix Cyclops
Rakdos Cluestone
Gruul Cluestone
Simic Cluestone
Simic Guildgate



My Pick: Gruul Cluestone
While you can take the Simic Guildgate just to leave the blue splash available, I much rather take an on-color Cluestone especially as we have some high-end creatures such as Zhur-Taa Ancient and Trostani’s Summoner

Pack 1 Pick 7:

Saruli Gatekeepers
Selesnya Cluestone
Drown in Filth
Smelt-Ward Gatekeepers
Wake the Reflections
Awe for the Guilds
Mutant’s Prey
Azorius Guildgate



My Pick: Selesnya Cluestone
Another empty pack with an on-color Cluestone. I’m happy to play 2-3 Cluestones/Keyrunes in a Midrange-Slow deck.

Pack 1 Pick 8:

Ubul Sar Gatekeepers
Deputy of Acquittals
Pilfered Plans
Haazda Snare Squad
Selesnya Cluestone
Crypt Incursion
Maze Abomination
Selesnya Guildgate



My Pick: Selesnya Guildgate
Guildgates are always better than Cluestones. Haazda Snare Squad is also a great card and may have very well been the correct choice, but I always prioritize manafixing so I went with the Guildgate here.

Pack 1 Pick 9:

Gleam of Battle
Rakdos Cluestone
Murmuring Phantasm
Hired Torturer
Hidden Strings
Bane Alley Blackguard



My Pick: Rakdos Cluestone

Pack 1 Pick 10:

Uncovered Clues
Lyev Decree
Ubul Sars Gatekeepers
Rakdos Cluestone
Smelt-Ward Gatekeepers
Orzhov Cluestone



My Pick: Smelt-Ward Gatekeepers
If I get 2-3 more Guildgates, this card could potentially be playable on our deck.

Pack 1 Pick 11:

Hidden Strings
Weapon Surge
Saruli Gatekeepers
Lyev Decree
Morgue Burst



My Pick: Weapon Surge

Pack 1 Pick 12:

Riot Piker
Murmuring Phantasm
Viashino Firstblade



My Pick: Riot Piker
It wheeled! While I would much rather the Warrior, there was no way that was going to realistically wheel. I’m happy to take a Piker as a 12th pick, especially as I’ve picked up the Rubblebelt Maaka since then as well.

Pack 1 Pick 13:

Sinister Possession
Crypt Incursion
Riot Control



My Pick: Riot Control

Pack 1 Pick 14:

Lyev Decree



My Pick: Lyev Decree

Pack 1 Pick 15:

Awe for the Guilds



My Pick: Awe for the Guilds

Pack 2 Pick 1:

Molten Primordial
Simic Keyrune
Merfolk of the Depths
Death’s Approach
Mortus Strider
Millennial Gargoyle
Paranoid Delusions
Daring Skyjek
Shadow Slice
Warmind Infantry



My Pick: Molten Primordial
The Primordial is the only pick here for our deck. It’s a great card and we have 2 Cluestones and the Zhur-Taa Ancient to ramp into it.

Pack 2 Pick 2:

Murder Investigation
Ordruun Veteran
Gruul Charm
Ember Beast
Spire Tracer
Court Street Denizen
Knight Watch
Metropolis Sprite
Warmind Infantry
Guildscorn Ward
Dutiful Thrull
Scatter Arc



My Pick: Warmind Infantry
Another very weak pack for us. I decided to take the Infantry over Ember Beast as I currently only have one two drop. While I may be able to pick up more later, I don’t like having to rely on curving into it from a two drop just to be able to do anything.

Pack 2 Pick 3:

Illness in the Ranks
Vizkopa Confessor
Righteous Charge
Burst of Strength
Riot Gear
Primal Visitation
Horror of the Dim
Orzhov Guildgate
Towering Thunderfist
Gruul Guildgate
Wildwood Rebirth
Knight Watch



My Pick: Gruul Guildgate

Pack 2 Pick 4:

Breeding Pool
Illness in the Ranks
Fortress Cyclops
Disciple of the Old Ways
Shattering Blow
Verdant Haven
Ivy Lane Denizen
Basilica Guards
Last Thoughts
Zhur-Taa Swine
Shadow Alley Denizen



My Pick: Disciple of the Old Ways
Disciple is one of the best commons in Gruul and is better than the Zhur-Taa Swine. We’re also in need of early drops and have enough late threats already. Verdant Haven is also an option but we already have 2 Cluestones and 2 Guildgates so we have no problems with manafixing.

Pack 2 Pick 5:

Dimir Charm
Cloudfin Raptor
Hands of Binding
Balustrade Spy
Towering Thunderfist
Beckon Apparition
Basilica Guards
Warmind Infantry
Razortip Whip



My Pick: Warmind Infantry
The obvious pick in this pack. It’s obvious that both Gruul and Boros is drying up which means that the players on my left must also be in these colors while the players on my right are in Esper colors as there are some very good Dimir and Orzhov cards here. Hopefully this means that in Pack 3, I will be passed some great Naya cards from my right.

Pack 2 Pick 6:

Simic Keyrune
Furious Resistance
Structural Collapse
Gutter Skulk
Purge the Profane
Predator’s Rapport
Prophetic Prism
Executioner’s Swing
Metropolis Sprite



My Pick: Prophetic Prism
I’m surprised that the Prophetic Prism has made it this far as it’s a great card and definitely a high pick. It would make sense though if the players on my left are on aggressive decks like Boros, Rakdos or Gruul. I’m definitely been cut off by my left here.

Pack 2 Pick 7:

Incursion Specialist
Razortip Whip
Furious Resistance
Predator’s Rapport
Boros Guildgate
Death’s Approach
Towering Thunderfist
Scatter Arc



My Pick: Boros Guildgate
I got an on-color Guildgate?!?! Thanks to this third Guildgate, our deck will now have great manafixing. It also makes Smelt-Ward Gatekeepers potentially playable.

Pack 2 Pick 8:

RipScale Predator
Boros Keyrune
Adaptive Snapjaw
Paranoid Delusions
Leyline Phantom



My Pick: Rip Scale Predator
This is a good card and I’m happy to take it around this pick. However, I can easily see myself cutting it for other large threats I may pick up later as I don’t want to play more than three six-seven drops.

Pack 2 Pick 9:

Merfolk of the Depths
Mortus Strider
Paranoid Delusions



My Pick: Naturalize

Pack 2 Pick 10:

Murder Investigation
Spire Tracer
Guildscorn Ward
Scatter Arc



My Pick: Guildscorn Ward

Pack 2 Pick 11:

Illness in the Ranks
Riot Gear
Primal Visitation
Wildwood Rebirth



My Pick: Riot Gear

Pack 2 Pick 12:

Illness in the Ranks
Shattering Blow
Shadow Alley Denizen



My Pick: Illness in the Ranks
Because it was foil.

Pack 2 Pick 13:

Razortip Whip



My Pick: Razortip Whip

Pack 2 Pick 14:

Structural Collapse



My Pick: Structural Collapse

Pack 2 Pick 15:

Razortip Whip



My Pick: Razortip Whip

Pack 3 Pick 1:

Chromatic Lantern
Azorius Keyrune
Faerie Impostor
Avenging Arrow
Paralyzing Grasp
Rootborn Defenses
Selesnya Guildgate
Horncaller’s Chant
Korozda Monitor
Terrus Wurm
Spawn of Rix Maadi



My Pick: Avenging Arrow
This is a terrible first pick for us but also very necessary as we currently have no removal. While Avenging Arrow is a very mediocre card that doesn’t make the cut for most decks, every deck needs some number of removal spells just to be able to deal with potential bombs that your opponent may have opened. Without it, we will be stone-cold dead to something like Archon of the Triumvirate. There isn’t much else for us in this pack as we already have enough manafixing so we don’t need the Chromatic Lantern or the Selesnya Guildgate

Pack 3 Pick 2:

Shrieking Affliction
Treasured Find
Traitorous Instinct
Armory Guard
Stonefare Crocodile
Terrus Wurm
Crosstown Courier
Rakdos Guildgate
Viashino Racketeer
Ethereal Armor
Survey the Wreckage



My Pick: Traitorous Instinct
There isn’t anything else we could take here other then the Instincts. I actually like the card a lot as it can also efficiently turn on Battalion for my two Warmind Infantrys.

Pack 3 Pick 3:

Firemind’s Foresight
Phantom General
Assassin’s Strike
Swift Justice
Transguild Promenade
Avenging Arrow
Trostani’s Judgment
Traitorous Instinct
Chemister’s Trick
Deviant Glee



My Pick: Traitorous Instinct
I decided to take it over the Trostani’s Judgment as our curve is already very high and we don’t have token producers other then Trostani’s Summoner which should be easy enough to close games on its own anyway. While our deck needs removal, with two Instincts we at least have ways to deal with big bombs as we can just chain Instincts which is often more powerful as it also gets in for a large amount of damage and can hopefully close games.

Pack 3 Pick 4:

Blood Crypt
Rakdos Keyrune
Dead Reveler
Drudge Beetle
Trained Caracal
Trestle Troll
Daggerdrome Imp
Viashino Racketeer
Essence Backlash
Rootborn Defenses



My Pick: Brushstrider
The much needed two drop! While I took the Brushstrider here, I think it was the wrong choice and that I should have taken the Drudge Beetle. I took the Brushstrider as it’s more aggressive and can trade with bigger creatures, but I realized that there is very few X/3s to trade with in this format as the creatures are mainly X/2s or X/4s. Drudge Beetle’s versatility and larger toughness makes it a better pick then the Brushstrider

Pack 3 Pick 5:

Zanikev Locust
Minotaur Aggressor
Stonefare Crocodile
Sluiceway Scorpion
Crosstown Courier
Bellows Lizard
Explosive Impact
Drudge Beetle
Horncaller’s Chant



My Pick: Drudge Beetle
So I guess I was right about being passed good Naya cards from the right in Pack 3! Drudge Beetle is great and fills our much needed early drop slots. There is also an Explosive Impact in the pack, but I prefer the Beetle as we already have enough strong late game threats that the Impact is unnecessary like the Trostani’s Judgment

Pack 3 Pick 6:

Codex Shredder
Rakdos Ringleader
Transguild Promenade
Hussar Patrol
Horncaller’s Chant
Bellows Lizard
Launch Party
Perilous Shadow



My Pick: Brushstrider
Happy! You can never have enough two drops. Funnily enough, I learnt this from Shuuhei Nakamura after Day 1 of GP Sydney where he was watching and helping me during a money draft as I practiced for the following day. He pretty much explained that two drops are crucial in this format and you should be looking to have five to six in any deck. While the format has changed since Triple-RTR, two drops are still very important as decks are either very slow with many Cluestones and Guildgates, or are very aggressive and you need to be able to trade off their dudes and to try buy time.

Pack 3 Pick 7:

Oak Street Innkeeper
Rubbleback Rhino
Chronic Flooding
Terrus Wurm



My Pick: Rubbleback Rhino

Pack 3 Pick 8:

Gobbling Ooze
Oak Street Innkeeper
Rubbleback Rhino
Spawn of Rix Maadi
Traitorous Instinct
Bellows Lizard
Goblin Electromancer



My Pick: Traitorous Instinct
A third one?! These are obviously great in multiples as it allows you to chain them which is often enough to close games, especially with the 2 Warmind Infantrys and large number of two drops that we’ve picked up.

Pack 3 Pick 9:

Azorius Keyrune
Paralyzing Grasp
Horncaller’s Chant
Terrus Wurm
Spawn of Rix Maadi



My Pick: Cobblebrute

Pack 3 Pick 10:

Shrieking Affliction
Treasured Find
Terrus Wurm
Crosstown Courier
Survey the Wreckage



My Pick: Treasured Find

Pack 3 Pick 11:

Firemind’s Foresight
Chemister’s Trick
Deviant Glee



My Pick: Batterhorn

Pack 3 Pick 12:

Trained Caracal
Trestle Troll
Essence Backlash



My Pick: Essence Backlash
This was just to hate draft it. While it is unlikely for anyone to play it, having our Zhur-Taa Ancient or Molten Primordial be countered by this may just kill us. It is important to watch out for things like this and remember any cards that you’ve passed that may be good against us. While I don’t think hate drafting is an effective strategy, it should be carried out if there is nothing in the pack for you.

Pack 3 Pick 13:

Bellows Lizard
Horncaller’s Chant



My Pick: Bellows Lizard

Pack 3 Pick 14:

Codex Shredder



My Pick: Codex Shredder

Pack 3 Pick 15:




My Pick: Plains

Playable Cards for the Deck:

Bellows Lizard
Riot Piker
2 Brushstrider
Drudge Beetle
Disciple of the Old Ways
Pyrewild Shaman
2 Warmind Infantry
Rubblebelt Maaka
Smelt-Ward Gatekeepers
Zhur-Taa Ancient
Rubbleback Rhino
RipScale Predator
Trostani’s Summoner
Molten Primordial
Weapon Surge
Riot Gear
Prophetic Prism
Avenging Arrow
3 Traitourous Instinct
Gruul War Chant
Gruul Cluestone
Selesnya Cluestone
Selesnya Guildgate
Gruul Guildgate
Boros Guildgate



Final Deck:


2 Brushstrider
1 Drudge Beetle
1 Disciple of the Old Ways
1 Pyrewild Shaman
2 Warmind Infantry
1 Rubblebelt Maaka
1 Smelt-Ward Gatekeepers
1 Zhur-Taa Ancient
1 Rubbleback Rhino
1 Batterhorn
1 RipScale Predator
1 Trostani’s Summoner
1 Molten Primordial


1 Weapon Surge
1 Avenging Arrow
3 Traitourous Instinct
1 Gruul War Chant
1 Gruul Cluestone
1 Selesnya Cluestone


1 Selesnya Guildgate
1 Gruul Guildgate
1 Boros Guildgate
9 Mountain
5 Forest



Building the deck was very easy as we pretty much had exactly 23 playables. The deck has a solid curve thanks to the large number of two drops and Cluestones to curve into our large threats as well as great manafixing. However, the deck may have some clunky draws due to its high curve and the lack of removal spells may be a problem. I would say that this is a solid 2-1 deck.

The Matches:
This was an 8-4 draft on Magic Online so it was single elimination. In Round 1, I versed a 4c deck with no Guildgates. In Game 1, he did nothing but cast 2 Cluestones and a Maze Abomination while I curved into creatures and played a Traitorous Instinct on the Abomination to finish the game. In Game 2, he mulliganed to five and was manascrewed on two lands. On turn 4, he made his first play as he cast a Pack Rat off the two lands while I untapped and played a Gruul War Chant and swung in with my Riot Piker and Pyrewild Shaman to drop him to 11. He then drew for his fifth turn and conceded.

In Round 2, I versed a very strong Orzhov deck as he curved from a Tithe Drinker into an Orzhov Cluestone. I attacked with my Brushstrider which he traded with and played a Warmind Infantry post-combat. He then untapped and cast a Blood Baron of Vizkopa. As I untapped, my only out was for him to block my Warmind Infantry so I could Bloodrush with my Rubblebelt Maaka. Unfortunately, he didn’t bite as he chose to let my Infantry go through. On his turn, he attacked with his Blood Baron and played an Obzedat, Ghost Council! I was dead soon enough. In Game 2, I mulled to four and kept a one land hand on the play and conceded on turn 4 as I failed to draw a second land while he played a Blood Baron off a Cluestone again.

Overall, the draft went fine. While the manafixing was great, I think the curve of the deck was a bit awkward and it would have benefited from a more streamlined curve with more 4-5 drops. Both rounds were very one sided though so it was hard to determine whether this deck was actually good or not. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it and learned something from this walkthrough. As always, please leave comments or feedbacks about the article or any subjects that you’d like me to cover in the future. I will make sure to read all the comments and get back to any questions or thoughts you may have!

Zen Takahashi
@mtgzen on Twitter
StoneColdEffy Everywhere Else