Modern Masters draft opitions

by DavidDeering
June 15, 2013

Hello Everybody,

Today I would like to talk about the new and exiting Modern Masters Drafts.

Most of us know all individual cards present in the Modern Master set, especially when it comes to Modern constructed deckbuilding.
However, drafting and building limited decks with this set altogether is a little more complicated.
I will try to give you some insight about the main archetypes you can draft and some description of what your strategies can be in order to end up with a good synergistic deck.

Main Archetypes:

UW “come into play”:

This deck is based on creatures that have some kind of trigger when they enter the battlefield.
All of these triggers help you generate card advantage over your opponent, such as extra cards in hand, more creatures in play etc.
This deck brings you another great advantage: the “tempo” removals and creatures.
In this deck, you really need to pick creatures over removal spells, as they are more important and the best removals for your deck like
bounce spells will make the wheel most of the time.

Importants cards :

MVP : reveillark

cloudgoat ranger
riftwing cloudskate
vedalken dismisser
otherworldly journey
kitchen finks
aether spellbomb

WB rebels:

This is an aggressive deck which needs black and white creatures with low mana cost and if possible a lot of rebels.
The strength of this deck is the presence of 2 creatures, one white and one black, which can search for rebel permanents
in your deck and put them onto the battlefield. This way you can play one creature each turn for four mana or a rebel
enchantment as removal, a pretty solid toolbox. Pick amrou scout, blightspeaker and
bound in silence over all.

Importants cards :

MVP: divinity of pride

amrou scout
avian changeling
amrou seekers
bound in silence
saltfield recluse
deepcavern imp
rathi trapper

UG suspend:

When you draft suspend, you need to think about your mana curve differently and put each suspend card in the curve according to its suspend cost.
I like this deck because you can have a solid creature with haste and play another spell with your mana in the same turn.
In this deck, the converted mana cost of cards is really high so erratic mutation feels like a good removal.
After suspending your creatures in the early turns, you just need to play a strong body like imperiosaur on turn 4,
you don’t need more creatures with expensive casting cost because your suspends creatures are already your end of the curve.
Playing incremental growth the turn when all your creatures enter the battlefield from suspend is a blast.

Important cards:

MVP:incremental growth

riftwing cloudskate
errant ephemeron
durkwood baloth
giant dustwasp
nantuko shaman
erratic mutation

UB mill:

For me, this is one of the best decks you can draft in Modern Masters, you just need to pick all mind funeral and
dampen thought, and you do not have to think about wheels. After that, draft removals, defensive creatures and
“arcane” spells to trigger dampen thought. Usually your opponent will only have 33 cards in his deck after
his initial hand so if you put 25 cards in his graveyard from his library, it’s a win. 2 dampen thought can mill 8 cards
with the splice onto arcane trigger. mind funeral puts 4 lands , 1/4 of your opponent’s lands, in the graveyard.
On turn 3 or 4 ,it is probably 1/3 of the lands! If you cast 2 mind funeral in the game, you will probably win easily.

Important cards:

MVP:Oona, Queen of the Fae

mind funeral
horobi’s whisper
reach through mists
dampen thought
peer through depths
petals of insight

UW Modular:

If you want to play an affinity style deck, blue and white are the best colors with the best cards for you in Modern Masters.
The principle is the same as the modern deck, you use the “affinity for artifacts” ability to put all your creatures very fast on the battlefield.
Draft a maximum of myr enforcer and use faerie mechanist to search for it. Use esperzoa to bounce
your sanctum gargoyle and faerie mechanist for more card advantage.

Important cards :

MVP : arcbound ravager

faerie mechanist
thirst for knowledge
etherium sculptor
sanctum gargoyle
arcbound stinger
myr enforcer

GB Dredge/retrace :

All cards you draft for this deck must have a graveyard synergy, such as “dredge”,”retrace” or a regrowth effect.
During the game you try to gain card advantage over your opponent with cards in your graveyard so you will use all your
stinkweed imp and moldervine cloak to try and have masked admirers in the graveyard for instance
(don’t forget to use his drawing effect as dredge). Cards like reach of branches and worm harvest will also help you a lot.

Important cards :

MVP: worm harvest

death rattle
death denied
stinkweed imp
eternal witness
masked admirers
reach of branches
moldervine cloak
life from the loam

UR Storm :

This deck seems to be depending a lot on what you open in the boosters during the draft, since the best card in the deck,
desperate ritual, is an uncommon.
Pick as many of these as you can and combine it with others arcane spells like reach through mistslava spike
or glacial ray to use the splice onto arcane ability. Finish off with empty the warrens and grapeshot
My advice is: draft this only if you have a good signal or a good opening in the first pack with early desperate rituals, but don’t try to force it,
failing means 0/3 for sure!

Important cards:

MVP:pyromancer’s swath

desperate ritual
grinning ignus
empty the warrens
rift bolt
lava spike
glacial ray
reach through mists
peer through depths

RW Giant :

All giant creatures and spells are really really strong in limited, but they have one problem… You must play more and
more giants to make them stronger.
The best example is blind-spot giant, a very good 4/3 for 3, but it cannot do anything if you don’t control another giant.
If you control 3 giants and you play a thundercloud shaman it will most likely act as a plague wind.
I like this deck because nobody wants these cards during the draft and you can have good giants on the wheel pretty easily.

Important cards :

MVP: thundercloud shaman

kithkin greatheart
crush underfoot
stinkdrinker daredevil
blind-spot giant
cloudgoat ranger
thundering giant

UB Faeries :

It is a tempo aggro/control deck, similar to the old extended deck: some flash creatures with small stats but with good effects like
counterspells or removals.
Add to the list card drawing spells like careful considerationmulldrifter and instant / sorcery removals like
peppersmoke or death rattle
The card I like the most in this deck is dreamspoiler witches, because it is not picked early but it is quite powerful
in a deck that plays only instants and flash creatures.

Important cards:

MVP scion of oona

latchkey faerie
spellstutter sprite
marsh flitter
dreamspoiler witches
thieving sprite
careful consideration
death rattle

Top 5 common cards for Modern Masters:

white :

bound in silence
sanctum gargoyle
amrou scout
kithkin greatheart
otherworldly journey

blue :

dampen thought
errant ephemeron
erratic mutation
faerie mechanist

black :

drag down
dreamspoiler witches
rathi trapper
stinkweed imp

red :

glacial ray
rift bolt
torrent of stone
fiery fall
empty the warrens

green :

penumbra spider
giant dustwasp
moldervine cloak
cinatul woodreaders

Thanks for reading,

Please share in the comments which cards you think are the best in your opinon.